Because Earth is the only (known) planet with wine.
To you, growing great vines that bear great grapes is day-to-day work – and joy. But what about your great-great-great-great-grand-children? WineWorld engages in the national beverage industry’s climate initiative and was the first certified company in Sweden according to the Fair for Life standard. The Swedish monopoly, too, has high demands on suppliers for fairness and sustainability. But don’t worry. …
Shamelessly huge resources – thanks to the Arcus Group.
Storage, bottling, distribution, marketing and more. Unlike other Swedish importers, we already have everything in place to kick-start the sales of your wine. As WineWorld is part of Vingruppen, which in turn belongs to the Arcus Group, we are notoriously spoiled with Nordic-wide infrastructure and logistics. Making us a rather reliable choice to team up with. The Arcus Group: The …
We grow wine growers.
To us, a relationship with a winemaker is something to be gently cultivated over time. That’s why we’re in for the long term. Most of our partners are family-owned companies, reaching back many generations. Meet our passionate producers >
We bought wine for half a billion Euros. Until we changed sides.
Before we switched careers and started working at the import company WineWorld, most of us were employed as wine purchasers at Sweden’s monopoly “Systembolaget” for several years. Meet the WineWorld team >
Wither Hills
One of New Zealand’s best sellers in Sweden from the start – and still growing.